Fighting Pimples - 7 Tips For Clearer Skin

Friday, January 23, 2015

Fighting Pimples - 7 Tips For Clearer Skin

This one is for all the young girls out there who have just started having pimples. Pimples are skin eruptions that start happening around your teens and if not taken care off can scar your face for life. I am not trying to scare you but my intent here is to share some things that you can do to make sure your pimples go away soon without leaving any marks.

The fight with pimples is not easy. And the worst is when you have a special date and there, right on the tip of your nose you get a horrible big fat pimple, or the one on your chin, or the forehead or wait, has the whole face just erupted like mad! Yes, these are all true situations that you can face if you are not careful about your skin. I have struggled with pimples for years (and still get a random one popping out unnoticed!) But I have learnt to deal with them so that the ones that erupt, go away easily without leaving horrible marks on my face.
fighting pimples - 7 tips for clearer skin, garnier, pure active, neem face wash, tea tree oil

As far as skin care is concerned there are a few things that you must do to prevent pimples.

1. Keep your hands away from your face. Our hands touch many things on the way to work or college. There might be a lot of dirt and bacteria that is not visible. Now when you touch your face with these dirty hands your delicate facial skin will react.

2. After returning from a trip outdoors, whether you are coming home from work, college or a day out shopping, always wash your face.

3. Stick to a gentle anti-bacterial face wash. Tea tree oil and Neem are ingredients known to fight bacteria. Try and include a face wash that has these ingredients. You can try the Garnier Pure Active Neem Face Wash that has both tea tree oil and neem. You can check my review of the face wash (click on the name). A good face wash will keep oil away from your skin without stripping it off moisture. To read more about the Garnier face wash you can also check the Garnier PureActive Neem Website for more details on how it works for you in fighting pimples.

Fighting Pimples - 7 Tips For Clearer Skin, garnier pure active face wash, anti-bacterial, tea tree oil, Neem

4. Ensure that you are getting a good nights sleep. Stress shows up on the face immediately and guess what - it likes to show up as pimples. So make sure you are rested at night. If there is too much stress doing some yoga or meditation can help.

5. When applying creams/lotions or any makeup on your face make sure it is meant for your skin type. Using a very heavy product on sensitive skin is bound to land you in trouble. I try and add a few drops of pure tea tree essential oil to my moisturizer or makeup as well.

6. If you wear makeup always remove it before sleeping. Skin heels itself at night so remove all makeup and let it breathe. To ensure that my skin is always clean at night, I remove all makeup and then wash it with a Neem based face wash. Using a Neem and tea tree oil based face wash twice a day has really helped.

7. Drink plenty of water, enough to keep yourself hydrated through the day. I really don't buy the '8 glasses' of water theory because I think everyone's body is different. But do make sure you never feel thirsty. Hydration keeps toxins away from the skin.

If you care for your skin it will slowly start showing results. In the fight against pimples you have to be patient. Garnier has been helping in the fight against pimples through its No Pimples No Marks campaign with different products in the Pure Active range. There are product targeted specifically for men and others specifically for handling your blackhead issues. 

If you have won against the pimples but are now struggling with marks, you can use a gentle face scrub once a week to slowly remove dead skin from the face and slowly eliminate the marks. Do continue to use an anti-bacterial face wash so that those ugly zits don't enter your life ever again!

Share this post and help a friend who might be struggling with pimples. You never know how a few simple steps can really make a huge difference. And do remember patience is the key, Neem and Tea Tree oil are the saviors!

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