Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy - Review

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy - Review

The blog post title is Tatha Body Scrub Yummy but this does not mean that I ate this product. The scrub is called Yummy and aptly too!

This body scrub from Tatha is a chocolate body scrub - yes ladies - it does smell yummy and is very tempting.
From the packaging to the actual contents everything about this scrub is yummy!!!

What the company claims:
"The outermost layer of skin, the epidermis, accumulates dead skin cells that need to be removed. Normal bathing does not provide the exfoliation that is needed for the healthiest skin. Regular exfoliation with a body scrub will remove the dead outer layer of the skin and reveal a younger, smoother, soft, healthier layer of skin. The antioxidants in cocoa help to prevent the signs of aging skin. It also acts as a natural aphrodisiac. The sugar exfoliates the skin as the cocoa nourishes it and makes one feel good . This is a perfectly pampering body scrub that you can try over the weekend! INGREDIENTS-Vanilla planifolia,Olea europaea,brown sugar,cocoa powder."

Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
The scrub comes in a glass bottle with a large cork lid. It has a nice tape sticker sticking the cork lid to the bottle. I couldn't capture the sticker tape - you will only see it faintly in the pics. There is also a little card with the ingredients mentioned on it tied around the neck of the jar with a rubber cord.
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
I am reminded of the achaar jars that we used to have in old days - this one though is much smaller. The bottle is along with the cork is about 5 inches in height.

Once you open the cork you will be immersed with a divine chocolate smell and the scrub itself looks like molten dark chocolate.
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
Tatha Body Scrub Yummy
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy
 The texture of the scrub is granular and oily. When you take out the scrub and rub it on your body the scrub is gentle yet cleans out all the grime. It does have a lot of oil content so you will be left with a slight oily feeling on the body which goes away when you dry yourself.
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy - swatch
Tatha Body Scrub - Yummy - swatch
Skin feels smooth and radiant. Due to the oil content you can skip moisturiser after using this. For oily skinned beauties please steer clear of this scrub if you are acne prone - it is my personal opinion that areas prone to acne will not like the oil content of this scrub. My back is prone to acne so I avoided this on my back after the first use. I continue to use this on the rest of my body and I love the chocolate indulgence. What better way to start off your day!!!!

Contents of this scrub
Ingredient Common Name
Vanilla planifolia   vanilla extract
Olea europaea   olive oil
brown sugar
cocoa powder

Details at a glance
Packaging: glass bottle with cork lid
Fragrance: chocolatey
Texture: granular
Price: Rs 1680 (300gm)

What I like

  • Moisturising
  • Wonderful chocolatey fragrance

What I don't like

  • Slightly too oily for acne prone skin like mine
  • Cannot be taken when you travel
  • Expensive (the quantity is huge but you will end up using a lot because of the wonderful fragrance!)


  1. im hungry after seeing this.... its luks so damn yummy n edible

  2. just really curious.. doesnt this make your skin brown after using?

    1. not at all - it brings a nice glow to the skin. The brown chocolate gets washed off after cleaning your skin

  3. Its very expensive for me.I'll look for cheaper subsitutes!
    I feel like eating moong khichdi with aam ka achar now..oh this glass jar is bringing back so many old memories!

    1. Or wait till they have discounts or smaller packaging - I haven't seen any substitute yet with so much chocolate in it - this is like pure cocoa fun :D


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