More awards for me and YOU!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

More awards for me and YOU!

I have received two more awards from my fellow bloggers and I am so happy that you girls like what I'm doing! It really feels nice :)

Shivani from the Not So Pink blog has given me the Sunshine Blogger Award - this is my second sunshine award and I'm glad to receive this. Thank you so much Shivani.
Sunshine Blogger Award
Sunshine Blogger Award
The rules once you receive this award are:

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog page.
2. Answer (10) questions about yourself. (given below)
3. Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers.
4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
6. Leave a link with your answers in comment section.

Questions for this award and my answers are

1. What do you feel your purpose is in life?  - not really sure
2.What is your favorite book? - Charlie and the Chocolate factory - the first book I read when I was in 1st grade and it still remains my favourite
3. Who or what inspires you most in life? - mom's patience  & dad's dedication
4. Would your rather donate time or money? - depends on the situation
5. What are your best qualities? - adaptability
6. If you were an organ in the body which would you be and why? - the brain as it keeps the rest of it all working
7. Why do you blog? - a creative outlet 
8. What is your greatest accomplishment? - still to happen
9. Who is your role model/ hero and why? - none
10. If you could be anything or anyone in the world,what would it be and why? - a fairy who could just pluck out all horrible people from this planet to make it a better place for the others to live in

Another award is by Aditi from Budget Bezzella. She has awarded me with the Liebster award, thank you so much Aditi for this award. This is my forth Liebster and I'm loving it!
Liebster award
Liebster award
The rules to follow once you get this award are:

  • Post 11 things about yourself
  • Answer the tagger's questions            
  • Tag and pass the awards to 11 other bloggers
  • Create 11 questions for the bloggers to answer
  • Go to the bloggers page and inform them about the award.

So here goes - 11 random things about me
  1. I love eating cookies and cream flavoured ice cream from Vadilal (Indian brand)
  2. I love to watch butterflies flutter around flowers
  3. I pin up the pleats of my saree a night before I have to wear it
  4. I just finished reading Can You Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella
  5. I love eating tomato cheese grilled sandwiches
  6. I like drinking coca cola and I hate thumbs-up
  7. I decide a restaurant's worth by the variety of eggless sweet dishes it has to offer :D
  8. I hate crying infront of anyone
  9. I love chocolate truffle pastry
  10. I'm scared of drowning in water
  11. I hate growing long nails
And now to answer Aditi's questions
1. One makeup product you cannot leave the house without? - none - I usually forget to put any makeup
2. Red lips nude eyes or nude lips smokey eyes? - nude lips smokey eyes
3. Best budget buy till date? - maybelline lipstick
4. Do you follow a night time skin routine religiously? - yes
5. What 5 things your everyday makeup bag would have? - eye liner, compact, foundation/concealer, lip gloss, tissues
6. Favorite skin care brand? - himalaya for its neem face pack
7. Favorite makeup brand? - Bourjois for its rose eclat blush
8. Given a chance would you like to hoard on lipsticks or eye shadows? - eye shadows
9. Most pocket friendly international makeup brand according to you? - Maybelline
10. What would you gift your boyfriend/husband when on a tight budget? - home baked cake, hand made card
11. Shoes or bags? - shoes

And now I will pass on these two awards to the following bloggers, please do make sure you leave a link in the comments section with your post on the award so that I can read the answers to my questions (which are given at the end of this post)

I give these awards to (in alphabetical order)
Amrin (
April (
Demi (
Puja (
Ray (
Shaz (
Shourima (
Smita (
Tanmayee (

And ladies - here are my questions for you
1. Gold or Silver?
2. Flats or Heels?
3. Salties or Sweets?
4. Secret tip for flawless looking skin?
5. Short skirts or deep necks?
6. How many giveaways do you take part in, in any given month?
7. Fresh fruits or fruit juice?
8. Favourite milk shake flavour?
9. Most romantic moment in life till date?
10. What is one thing you own (in makeup/skincare) that you would love to gift me :P
11. What brand of jeans fit the best?

So girls get going, post your award and answer my questions. Don't forget to leave a link in the comments section so that I can read your posts with the answers!

1 comment:

I love to read your comments. Its great to connect with you here but its my humble request - please do not leave marketing links here. If you would like me to visit your blog just leave a text message instead of hyper links!
