10 Products Capable To Slow Skin Aging

Friday, January 3, 2014

10 Products Capable To Slow Skin Aging

Every woman wants to look young at any age. Unfortunately, it is difficult to fight with nature, and with time, our skin becomes drier and the process of aging starts, luckily there are ways to slow down this process. One of them is eating foods containing vitamins and amino acids useful for the skin.

1.   Avocado
The pulp of this fruit is rich in vitamins C and E, which are helping us to struggle with a dull skin color and improves skin elasticity. Also, this fruit contains large amount of mono-saturated fatty acids and Omega -3 fatty acid which improve the state of skin, hair and nails, but also stimulate brain activity, increase testosterone production, reduce blood pressure and acts as antidepressant. Thus, include this fruit in your everyday menu, you will not only forget about the problems you’re your skin, but also improve your health.

2. Green tea
Due to the abundance of antioxidants gathered in this product, green tea helps to cope with acne and improves the state of skin. This is a great alternative to coffee, which adversely affects the state of the skin and leads to premature aging.

3. Berries
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and bilberries contain 12 times more antioxidants than most of the fruits. Studies have shown that the inclusion of these berries in your daily diet helps to prevent skin aging and improves brain functioning. It’s advised to eat frozen berries as in this case they lose less useful elements.

4. Dark chocolate
Yes, do not be surprised, chocolate is good for your skin, though it is true only for black chocolate containing at least 50% of cocoa. Due to the high content of flavonols (antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals) just a few pieces of chocolate a day prevent the appearance of wrinkles and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Chocolate also improves memory and helps the body to fight with chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia.

5. Pomegranates
Pomegranates are rich in anthocyanins, which help to strengthen the walls of thin blood vessels delivering necessary nutrients to your skin. They are contained both in fruits and in pomegranate juice

6. Spinach
Spinach contains vitamins A, C, B ​​and E, all of the are extremely useful for your skin. Besides, you can cook thousands of different dishes with spinach, starting from pies and finishing with soups and salads.

7. Mango
Mango is a magical fruit for the health of your skin. It contains enzymes and vitamin C to prevent wrinkles and improve skin elasticity, antioxidants for cancer prevention, and beta-carotene causing anti-inflammatory effect.

8. Fish
Tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines are rich in omega-3 acids, which increase the elasticity of the skin and cleanse the pores. Regardless of the type of your skin, fish will improve complexion, moisturize your skin and help to fight with inflammation.

9. Oysters
This low-calorie product contains zinc, which is involved in the production of collagen needed for skin elasticity. This is a fairly expensive product, but nutritionists recommend to enjoy this delicacy at least sometimes, as oysters also increase sexual energy, improve the hematopoietic function of the body, strengthen the nervous system.

10. Olive oil
Olive oil effectively prevents skin aging. It is rich on vitamins E, A and D, which neutralize free radicals causing wrinkles appearance. These vitamins are involved in epidermis renewal, and beta-carotene protects the skin from harmful UV rays.

About the author: Melisa Marzett, is an experienced writer in the field of cosmetology, fashion and health care. Melisa is ready to communicate on Google+ Other articles by this author can be found at askessay.com.

 (image source: http://lilaccitymomma.com)


  1. very informative post :) i love using chocolates in face packs :)

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