Easy Home Made Kulfi

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Easy Home Made Kulfi

Ok so this post has nothing to do with skin or makeup but I had to share it with you all. I had some left over khoya barfi sitting in my refrigerator. Both me and my husband are not too fond of barfi so this is how I recycled it to something apt for the scorching summer heat - home made kulfi.

I searched the web for some recipes and after reading quite a few this is what I did.

1. 250 gm khoya burfi
2. 1 litre milk (toned or full cream)
3. Nuts (to your taste - I did not add any nuts because the burfi already had almonds)
4. 6-7 teaspoons of sugar (you can change this according to the sweetness you prefer - add less first and then add on more if required)
5. One Cardamom
Easy Home Made Kulfi

Keep the burfi at room temperature until it softens. Then take a hand blender and blend it till it makes a thick paste - remember to blend small quantity at a time - the khoya tends to stick to the blender blades. You can also mash it with hand but the blender is usually faster.
Now boil the milk in a thick bottom pan, stir in the sugar, and now mix in the khoya paste. Keep stirring until all the khoya is well dissolved. Add any nuts and the cardamom at this time.
Now take it off the flame and let it cool. Once cooled to room temperature put in the kufli moulds or any other dish you wish to serve it in. I put mine in small glass dish bowls. Set in the freezer and once set - enjoy!!!!

Now here is a picture of the ready-to-eat kulfi
Easy Home Made Kulfi
Easy Home Made Kulfi
It turned out to be really good and hence my need to share it with you all!!!


  1. This is looking yum.....:) thanks for sharing the recipe ......:)

  2. yummmyy my mouth is watering
    afta a good meal n at wrk I so want to eat this kulfi ryt nw


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