Soft Hair without breakage–Faces Hair Brush - Review

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Soft Hair without breakage–Faces Hair Brush - Review

Who doesn’t want long beautiful hair, well if not long we all do want soft silky hair, don’t we? Can a brush or comb actually help in achieving the hair you want? Truly speaking, NO, but a good comb or brush can help maintain your healthy hair by causing less breakage and in some cases stimulating the scalp (by giving it a gentle massage).

I am normally a comb person who uses a thick toothed comb to gently take out the tangles from my semi-wet hair. After that I’m too lazy to even comb through properly. But recently when I got to try out the FACES hair brush I was so happy with it that I love using it now.

Faces Cushion Brush LargeFaces Cushion Brush Large

What the company claims: “Rubber cushioned pad & round tipped metal pins gently work on the scalp. Specially created for mid to long hair and especially good for penetrating thick hair.”

The hair brush has a soft head with bristles that have a rounded tip. The cushion head makes sure the brush stays soft on you hair and the rounded tips of the bristles give a gentle massage to the scalp as you brush. The brush does not cause any static fly-away and actually smoothens out my hair to make them look shiny and soft.
Faces Cushion Brush Large
Faces Cushion Brush Large
Faces Cushion Brush Large
Faces Cushion Brush Large
The results though are not long lasting – I mean now don’t expect a brush to change the texture of your hair. As I said earlier a good brush should maintain the health of your hair. And this one surely does justice in those terms. My unruly hair do return to their unruly self after about 15 minutes but it feels good to brush.

Faces Cushion Brush Large
Faces Cushion Brush Large
Cleaning the brush is surprisingly easy – my previous encounters with such cushion head brushes was not good in terms of cleaning – I used to have a tough time getting all my hair out (I lose a lot of hair when I comb or brush). But with this brush I am easily able to get out all the hair from the brush.

Details at a glance
Product quality: hard plastic, light weight
Bristles: non tangling, do not tug hair
Price: Rs 259

What I like

  • Bristles do not pull or tangle up the hair
  • Soft feel imparted to hair
  • No extra hair breakage
  • light weight

What I don't like
  • nothing

Style Tip: for cleaning a hair brush or comb instead of using a fancy cleanser or shampoo, simply let your brush or comb sit in a mug of water with washing detergent in it – leave it for about an hour or so. The washing detergent will dislodge all hair and dirt without any effort from the brush and comb and leave it very clean.

PR Sample


  1. nice post ! are they really good for curly hair? then i will try this one !

    1. Not sure about very curly hair - but for curly wavy sort of hair it should work well. I have almost straight hair (frizzy but not curly) so can't say about very curly hair.


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