Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

In a recent online event organized by I won their latest launch Holo Polish. I got the color #5 which is an orange based color.

Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

The nail polish comes in a cute little bottle with 6ml at a price of $6.44 (original price is $12.88 but they currently have a 50% off - check this link)

Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

The Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish has extremely fine glitter particles which are non-gritty. The nail polish applies smoothly and gives complete coverage with 2 coats. I love the final satin smooth glossy finish that it gives.

Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

Now enjoy the photos!
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5

Below is a picture of with flash and without - you will notice that without flash in natural light the nail polish looks much less orange and very wearable for work.

Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish - Hologram Effect #5
So what do you think of this nail polish? Do you have other favorite Holographic nail polishes that you love to wear? Do share your comments below!


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