Contest ALERT - ProGreen Oath - Lets Pledge To Do Our Bit!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Contest ALERT - ProGreen Oath - Lets Pledge To Do Our Bit!

Recently I told you all about Nature's Co Pro-Green Oath. Well today I got my oath which is a very easy task to follow and in fact I have been following since I was in school. The oath says 

"Pass on your books after you've read them for someone else to enjoy."

And now for all of you - pledge to take this oath and pass it on to your friends as well - let us create a long chain of people who pledge to do this small bit. And if we end up creating the longest chain we could all win surprise goodies from The Nature's Co.

Now for the rules:
  1. Follow the oath - that means pass on any book that you've read to someone else - a friend, a neighbor or someone who cannot afford to buy it - just pass it on.
  2. Make sure  you follow @shilpagandotra (if you don't already).on twitter
  3. I have passed on a book to a friend and have tweeted the oath. All you have to do is re-tweet my tweet on twitter. The tweet can be found HERE.
  4. Tweet the oath yourself tagging your friends to do the same - and don't forget to add the hashtag #GoProGreen, #OurExternalWorld and add @shipagandotra @Thenaturesco so that we know you retweeted my oath.
This way if #OurExternalWorld creates the longest oath chain we all (yes all of you in the chain) will get surprise goodies from The Nature's Co.

For Extra Points
Upload pictures on twitter revolving around the ProGreen Oath (again don't forget to add the hashtag #OurExternalWorld and #GoProGreen and @shilpagandotra and @Thenaturesco - our oath chain gets extra points for images uploaded like this.

So remember friends, spread the word about a good deed and create a chain of goodness. In return we all get goodies to reward us for our simple kind gesture. Are you still thinking? Go on, you've read that book - pass it on to someone else and let them enjoy!!!!

Contest ends on 23rd September - so get going now - spread the word and lets create the longest chain and help our books travel the world!!!!

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